Meredith Wagner, PhD, RDN, LRD, FAND
Board Chair
T | 218.299.3755
E |
Term: 9/01/2023-8/31/2026 (2nd)
Courtney Hoikkala
Consumer Position
T | 701.667.3340
E |
Term: 10/27/2023-8/31/2026 (1st)
Janel Getz, RDN, LRD, CDCES
Fiscal Chair
T | 701.797.7040
E |
Term: 1/01/2022-8/31/2024 (1st)
Nancy Overson, LN, IBCLC
LN Chair
T | 701.255.3397
E |
Term: 9/01/2022-8/31/2025 (2nd)
Amanda Ihmels, RDN, LRD, CSO
LRD Chair
T | 701.516.2551
E |
Term: 11/04/2022-8/31/2025 (1st)
Brooke Fredrickson, RDN, LRD, CDCES
Executive Secretary
T | 701.253.0700
E |
F | 1.888.681.2813
Section 20.5-01-01-01 of the rules states:
**Each board member serves a term of three years. No member may server more than two successive terms on the board.
If you are interested in serving on the NDBODP Board, you can apply at ND State Boards and Commissions.